Contact us

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Please enter your inquiry details.

This is the page where you can send inquiries about our company or our services.
Please be sure to fill in the items marked with and press the "Confirm" button at the bottom of the page.

Inquiry item


Company name / organization name

Telephone number

(No hyphen/half-width characters)

Email address

(Half-width characters)


(We can reply more smoothly if you include the specifications of the chain you are currently using and the chain you would like to purchase.)

Select the product for which you request information

(Multiple selections possible)

Country of residence

(Multiple selections possible)

Delivery postal code

(No hyphen / half-width characters)

Delivery address

Please review our privacy policy and check the agree button.

  • We will reply to inquiries received via the form within a few days.
  • If you receive an inquiry outside of business hours or on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, we will reply on the next business day.